Families Supporting Reentry

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A Connecticut initiative to support families with an incarcerated parent during the parent’s transitions back to the community. Partners will begin providing support to the family while the parent is still incarcerated and continue services after the parent’s return. The goals for partners are to:

  1. Help the parent remain in the community and not return to prison.
  2. Support the children during this significant change in their lives.
  3. Support the incarcerated parent during this exciting but challenging time.
  4. Support the connection between the children and incarcerated/formerly incarcerated parent before, during, and after the parent’s return.
  5. Support the family unit to adjust to the changes that occur when a parent returns.
  6. Assist members of the family with connecting to other community resources, as needed (getting identification, accessing government benefits, etc.), to encourage a successful return to the community.

The project will begin accepting referrals in May. If you’re interested in learning more, please share your contact information in the box to the left. We will also update this website as the project develops.

FSR Services

Connecting Through Literacy: Incarcerated Parents, Their Children, and Caregivers (CLICC): is a Connecticut nonprofit that uses reading books and mentoring to increase communication and build relationships between incarcerated parents and their children. Children select books to read while they and their incarcerated parent are apart, providing new things to talk about in letters, phone calls and visits — and a special activity the two of them can share. Children also are supported through weekly meetings at a library near their home for one year with their very own CLICC mentor, a caring person who helps them read and discuss the books, do homework, crafts or fun literacy activities, and just “hang out.”

Facility-based Fatherhood Engagement Services (FES): provides case management service and help families navigate different service systems (corrections, judicial, social services, child welfare.)  FES offers 24/7 Dad© program designed to strengthen parent child relationships. May also join Circle of Security which is a more intensive parenting class.

Community-based Fatherhood Engagement Services (FES): Will provide case management after release, to assist with transition to the community.  My People Community Services will serve fathers statewide.

Eligibility Criteria

A Connecticut family with an incarcerated loved one who identifies in a fathering role of kids ages 0-18. The incarcerated parent must be incarcerated at one of these facilities:

  • Cybulski Correctional
  • Carl Robinson Correctional
  • Manson Youth Institution
  • York Correctional

Project Partners

Department of Children and Families (DCF)
Department of Corrections (DOC)
Children with Incarcerated Parents Initiative at UConn Institute for Municipal and Regional Policy (IMRP)
Connecting through Literacy: Incarcerated Parents, their Children and Caregivers (CLICC)
Community Resources for Justice (CRJ)
Urban Institute
My People Community Services


Funding is provided by Grant # 2019-IG-BX-0006, “OJJDP FY19 Second Chance Act Addressing the Needs of Incarcerated Parents and Their Minor Children.” Funds were awarded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice through the Connecticut Department of Children and Families. The goal is to support children and families during an incarcerated parent’s return to the community. Partners include the Department of Correction; Community Resources for Justice (CRJ)’s Family ReEntry; Connecting through Literacy: Incarcerated Parents, their Children and Caregivers (CLICC); Children with Incarcerated Parents Initiative at UConn Institute for Municipal and Regional Policy (IMRP); Urban Institute; and, My People Community Services.