CIP children with incarcerated parents books for teen

Title Author Age Description Purchase
What Will Happen to Me Howard Zehr Grade 7+ "What is life like for a child who has a parent in prison? This book brings together photographic portraits of 30 children whose parents are incarcerated, along with their thoughts and reflections, in their own words."

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Title Author Age Description Purchase
Secret Saturdays Torrey Maldonado 12+ years "Sean is Justin's best friend - or at least Justin thought he was. But lately Sean has been acting differently...When Justin finally discovers that Sean's been secretly going to visit his father in prison and is dealing with the shame of that, Justin wants to do something to help before his friend spirals further out of control."

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Title Author Age Description Purchase
Wish You Were Here: Teens Write about Parents in Prison Autumn Spanne & Nora McCarthy & Laura Longhine 13 to 17 years "Many young people in foster care have a parent in prison. The teens in this booklet describe the emotional impact of that experience, which can help readers open up about their own reactions and emotions."

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Title Author Age Description Purchase
Romar Jones Takes a Hike Jan Walker 13+ years "When his 9th grade language arts teacher tells him to pay attention to the poetry assignment or take a hike, Romar opts for the hike, walks out of Roseburg Oregon High School and embarks on a journey to find his mother. He figures that shouldn't be too hard. She's in prison in Washington."

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