Title Author Age Description Purchase
Jakeman Deborah Ellis adolescents "Jake and his sister Shoshona have been under foster care since their single mother was arrested for possession and trafficking three years before. Both have found their own ways to cope: Shoshona has become a bossy mother figure; Jake, who is a budding comic book artist, has created an alter ego named Jakeman."

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Title Author Age Description Purchase
Chasing Forgiveness Neal Shusterman 12+ years "Preston Scott was only twelve years old when his father killed his mother...Fast forward: Preston is now fourteen. His father has just been released from jail and is moving near his grandparents’ house, where Preston and his younger brother Tyler have been living."

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Title Author Age Description Purchase
Pieces of Why K.L. Going 10+ years "When a shooting happens in [Tia's] neighborhood and she learns the truth about the crime that sent her father to prison years ago, Tia finds she can't sing anymore. The loss prompts her to start asking the people in her community hard questions--questions everyone has always been too afraid to ask."

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Title Author Age Description Purchase
An Inmate's Daughter Jan Walker Grade 5 to 8 "On the first day of summer vacation between seventh and eighth grade, Jenna MacDonald does the dumbest thing ever. She jumps from the McNeil Island boat dock into the water to save a little girl from drowning. McNeil Island is a prison in the middle of Puget Sound. It’s where Jenna’s dad lives, and she is there with her mother, brother, and grandparents for a visit."

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