CIP children with incarcerated parents kids book list 2

Title Author Age Description Purchase
Waiting for Daddy Jennie Harriman Grade K to 2 "This is a story about a young girl, who wants more than anything to be with her father, but cannot because he is in prison. She discovers many ways to cope with her loss through creative expression, the natural world, and play."

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Title Author Age Description Purchase
Sunny Holiday Coleen Paratore Grade 3 to 4 "Fourth-grader Sunny is dealing with a lot in her young life. Her father is in prison, her school is in danger of being shut down, and she is trying to come up with new holidays so that every month has a fun day. "

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Title Author Age Description Purchase
When Dad Was Away Karin Littlewood 5 to 8 years "When Mum tells Milly that Dad has been sent to prison, Milly feels angry and confused. She can't believe her dad won't be at home to read her stories and make her laugh. But soon Mum takes Milly and her brother Sam to visit Dad in prison."

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Title Author Age Description Purchase
The Night Dad Went to Jail Melissa Higgins 5 to 8 years "When someone you love goes to jail, you might feel lost, scared, and even mad. What do you do? No matter who your loved one is, this story can help you through the tough times."

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