If your parent is in prison…
Below are two questions that children often ask when they know someone that is in prison or jail. Click on each question to reveal an answer that you might find helpful.
Click on the bubbles to reveal the answers!

How do I tell my friends that my parent is in prison?
You should talk to your parent or caregiver and figure out what to say together. If you do not want to do this you can also speak with teachers, counselors and other trusted adults at school.
What if the other children in school do not understand my situation because it is different from theirs?
If children at school act out towards you because they do not understand your situation you can talk with an adult at your school that you trust. If there is not an adult at school that you are comfortable talking to, you can talk to an adult at home or an adult that you are most comfortable with about what is happening at school.
If your friend’s parent is in prison…

Sesame Street created “Little Children, Big Challenges: Incarceration” just for kids who have a parent in prison!
Did you know that Sesame Street’s Alex has a parent in prison?! It’s true! In this video, you can watch Alex talk with his friends about his father who is incarcerated. You may want to watch it with an adult that you trust because there is a chance that the video might make you sad.